Hypodermic Injection of Chloral Hydrate in Tetanus
Brow, a tall, strong, muscular man, of the cultivator caste, about 36 years of age, was admitted into the dispensary with, tetanus, which was said to have commenced four days previ? ously without apparent cause; there was no history of any wound or hurt, or of exposure to cold or wet. His state on admission was as follows :?Muscles of neck and jaw were quite rigid, so that he could not open his mouth, and he had neither
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Hypodermic Injection of Chloral Hydrate in Two Cases of Colapsed Stage of Cholera: Recovery
wrist; and temperature below par. The boy and the girl were found restless and craving for iced water constantly (unquenchable thirst). On enquiry I learnt that they were under regular treatment from the beginning, getting astringents, and stimulants regularly ; but the stomach became so irritable, the moment the medicine was administered it was brought up the very next moment. I at once propos...
متن کاملHypodermic Injection of Hydrate of Chloral in Cases of Malignant Cholera
admitted in the perfectly developed algide state. The symptoms, which the injections rapidly relieved, were thirst and cramps, and with the diminution of these painful symptoms, there were re-appearance of the pulse and return of heat to the surface. Generally the improvement was so marked and steady, that in no case that recovered, were more than 16 grains of chloral required to be thrown into...
متن کاملCases of Cholera Treated by the Hypodermic Injection of a Solution of Chloral Hydrate—(One Grain to Ten Minims of Water.)
Total ... 28 grains injected. Collapse was passing off at 4 p. M. Urine was not passed, however, till morning of 28th : had reactionary fever, for which he was treated with quinine. Recovered. 3. At Sadr Dispensary.?Sahibdin, aged 35, Mussulman. 28th April.?10 A. M., was attacked yesterday morning. Is now in intense collapse : cramps severe. 28tli April, 10 A. M. injected G grs. Chloral. 2 P. M...
متن کاملCase of Tetanus Treated by Hydrate of Chloral and Quinine: Recovery
Domkie, a Mahomedan grooin, aged about 25 years, was admitted into the second physician's ward, Campbell hospital, with symptoms of acute idiopathic tetanus, on the 6th January 1876, the attack having been brought on by exposure to cold about 3 or 4 days previously. All the symptoms of the disease were present; there was marked opisthotonos, and the fits were strong, occurring at short interval...
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